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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ (General)

What is a Caregiver?
That would be you! We define caregivers as anyone who is caring for or supports an individual in the community.
Who is the Client?
The people we provide care for.
Do you have a Caregiver Advisory Panel?
Yes, any current or former caregiver is welcome to join. Contact the Outreach and Deveopment Coordinator for more information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What is the fee?

A small user fee of $25.00 is charged for each day of enrollment in the programs to partially cover the cost of the service.

How do I pay?

Clients will be invoiced for the program monthly. Fees are due upon receipt and may be paid by cash, cheque or e-transfer.

How do I apply?
There are 3 ways to apply. For more information click the button below.
Is subsidy available?

Yes, rate reduction is available for qualifying individuals. Contact us for an application.

Is there a wait list?

Yes, wait list times vary. Please Contact us for more information.

FAQ (Evening and Weekend Hours)

Do I need to book for every evening or weekend?
No, the program is designed for caregivers to book only those dates that they require the service.
How do I apply?
Contact the program at 905-279-9061. Our Program Coordinator will help you determine if your loved one qualifies for this program and provide you with any further information required.
Who is eligible for the program?
The program is designed for caregivers experiencing strain/stress from caring for their loved one with cognitive or physical impairments. Eligibility of the program is determined by CCAC and program guidelines. For further details contact the program at 905-279-9061.
How far in advance do I need to book?
Booking is required one week in advance of selected date(s)
How far in advance can I book?
For advanced bookings please contact the program to discuss in detail.
What is the fee for the program?
$23.00 per booking.

FAQ (Bathing)

Do I need to book for recurring baths or can I book for one bath at a time?

You may book for as little as one bath at a time or recurring baths.

Who is eligible for the program?

The program is designed for individuals in the community who require assistive bathing and are not receiving bathing in their home. Call us to determine if you are eligible for the service.

Who will be providing the bath?

The bath will be performed by trained and caring Personal Support Workers.

What do I need to bring with me for my bath?

A change of clothes and any special personal care products required such as lotions and incontinence products. Please be aware we are a Scent Free Environment.

When is the bathing program offered?

The Bathing program is offered by appointment only. For specific dates and times contact the Outreach and Development Coordinator at 905-279-9061.

What is the cost of the bathing program?

There is no cost to qualifying clients for the bathing program.

How long will my appointment be?

Each appointment is 45 minutes.

Can I bring in my loved one and give them a bath in your facility?

All baths offered in this program are performed by qualified staff members. If you feel the client would benefit from your presence please discuss with the Outreach and Development Coordinator to make arrangements.

For further details please contact us at 905-279-9061 and mention our bathing program to help us direct your call.